Analog audio

The system can follow allow with any analog audio, such as the headphone output from a PC/phone or from the Monitor output of your amplifier. To do this, you will need to add an anaolgi input (mic input) to:

  1. Connect an external audio in sound card to the RaspberryPi
  2. Determine which analog input is the correct one (the RPi may detect multiple audio devices)
  3. Update overrides.cfg with the correct device


something about USB sound cards

Use Set device ID as 3

Note, if you sometimes connect an external monitor HDMI wih internal speakers, then the sound device list will renumerate, so the USB sound card you used while headless may now be a different number.

sample 1: tool output running headless

[1, 2]

sample 2: Same output, but now with HDMI monitor connected.

[1, 2, 3]

Note the USB audio device is now device 3.